• Unbiased visual impact studies to both utility companies and community / government organizations. We attempt to provide as accurate a representation of the proposed structure’s impact, regardless of the Client’s agenda.
• Analysis from places and homes visually affected by proposed structures.
• Simulations of a transfer and converter station’s visual impact prior to construction.
• Identification of properties impacted by the new infrastructure and tools to calculate property devaluation due to the impact.
• Tower siting services, which determine the best tower locations and power line route alternative through a fair and unbiased visual impact study.
• Mitigation services, which includes: landscape designing, planted vegetation growth simulations, and structural camouflaging implementation.
• Public and private balloon tests.
• Expert witness testimony services.
• Aerial 360° Reverse Line-of-Sight interactive media from the tops of key structures as a means to instantly capture and present the maximum visual impact of a structure on its environment.
• Balloon Tests
• Viewshed Study Analysis
• Visual Impact Studies
• Aerial and Ground Documentation using Surveillance Aerostat
• 360° Reverse Line-of-Sight Capture and Analysis
• Determine Visual Impact of the proposed cell site or radio tower.
• Analyze and simulate the visual impact coverage area of the proposed tower
• Mitigation and Design of camouflage options
• Simulation of proposed structure, vegetative clearance, planting schematics
• Calculate and Simulate light-pollution related to any FAA-required strobe lights
• Tower Location Siting
• Client-support during community outreach meetings
• Assistance with Regulatory Review and Permitting
• Expert Witness Testimony