Westergard has designed, built, tested and seeks patents on various custom balloons, launch trailers, optics platforms, used to to support drones and aerostats. His long term research focus has been on design and building equipment for time lapse aerial visualizations of tall engineering projects. His firm has over 4000 aerostat balloon ‘ascensions’ over NYC, San Francisco, and Washington DC. He has 26 years experience creating visual impact simulations of proposed skyscrapers, power lines, and cell towers in the US & Europe. Curt has taught landscape architecture at Michigan and Morgan Universities, given guest critiques and a professional development course at Harvard University, an imaging seminar at Yale, and design visualization courses in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland. He is a member of the Explorers Club and former Chairman of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronomics Lighter than Air Technical committee.
He enjoys free time with his wife and two sons.
Education: BA–Ithaca College, Masters in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University, & Ph.D. (coursework only) in the perception of 3D Visualizations from the University of Michigan.