Microclimate Wind Analysis
DDIS can accurately analyze the winds and eddy patterns around buildings, which can make outdoor living/gardening spaces inhospitable. Sometimes, nearby buildings block powerful winds and allow desirable calm air flow at a penthouse level. Since DDIS has flown tethered balloons above urban sites for the last 14 years we have a good sense which proposed balconies and rooftops will be ruined by cold gusty winds, even in the summer. This microclimatic knowledge requires detailed study and time-lapse observation using anemometers. We can design on-site sensors that can help predict which weather patterns will generate a gusty and unpleasant rooftop space. Our wind gust and temperature prediction data, while not perfect, can give our Clients an honest assessment on how valuable their balcony or rooftop is likely to be. This site planning service is also collated with our visual viewshed panoramas.